Webinar: Building a Positive Company Culture

Today Michael Seelman, Churchill Consultants, had the privilege of speaking with 250+ executives and chief human capital officers about building a positive company culture. He was part of a very diverse team of industry experts from the U.S. and Canada on the webinar panel. Click the image above to see the recording. This is a sample of the feedback the team received: "The ideas and experiences of this varied group of executives was very interesting and helpful" and "It gave me a lot of good ideas of how to apply these concepts to my own organization." Please let us know any insights you gain from the webinar and if Michael can answer any follow-up questions you might have. We love to help! Special thanks to Torch Labs for inviting Michael to represent them and his fellow panelists Natania Mathany, Alice Tang, Bruce Phillips, and moderator Bart Macdonald for a great discussion.