Presentation at the International Leadership Association (ILA) Global Conference

Today Michael Seelman, Churchill Consultants, had the honor of presenting at the International Leadership Association (ILA) Global Conference with his fellow teammates regarding their research on leading human and machine (artificial intelligence) teams and AI-powered organizations. ILA's conference is the premier gathering for the leadership profession, including more than 1,200 leadership coaches and consultants, public leaders and executives, educators and students, and scholars and researchers from around the world. In the audience was one of the founders of the ILA who commended the team for being on the cutting edge of leadership research and inviting them to submit their findings to her new leadership journal. See the presentation video recording below and the slides here. Please contact us if you would like us to discuss our research findings with your organization. We welcome opportunities to help prepare leaders for this new digital era leading human and machine teams and AI-powered businesses and other organizations.