Free Webinar Tomorrow on Leading Remote Teams During the Pandemic

Please join Michael Seelman (Churchill Consultants) and colleague Geraldine Anathan for a content-packed webinar tomorrow (Friday) at 12 noon EST. We encourage you to share this free webinar with anyone you know who could benefit from learning more about leading a remote team during this time of crisis. Register here:

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Making Sense of the Pandemic

As leaders, how can we help those around us make sense of the rapid dynamic changes in our lives and the global community with the Coronavirus pandemic? We offer two tools, an explanation of exponential growth and sensemaking/sensegiving. A recent Washington Post article ( uses the metaphor of a single lilly pad reproducing to cover an entire pond in 48 days. Sensemaking is the process of making sense and giving meaning to the experiences we have. Sensegiving is the process of helping others come to terms with the changes they are experiencing and helping to shape that process in a beneficial way through communication and interaction. Here is an MIT Sloan School of Management article on sensemaking: We encourage you to take some time to process the dynamic environment we are encountering and help others to do the same.

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Wright Brothers Innovation Lessons - Part 2

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113 years ago today the Wright brothers made their historic first flight in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Above, Michael Seelman, Churchill Consultants, is pictured in front of the "Flyer III" at the National Wright Brothers Historical Museum at Carillon Historical Park in Dayton, Ohio. This later design of brothers could stay aloft for over 30 minutes and fly for miles and literally rings around the competition at air shows - much more impressive than their first flight that was measured in seconds and feet. What leadership and innovation lessons can we learn from the brothers? Don't get discouraged by the performance of early designs, protect their incubation, be part of a team where it is psychologically safe to brainstorm and debate new ideas, be cautious about your intellectual property, and then give public demonstrations only when you are ready. Please let us know if you have any questions and contact us if we can help you soar to new heights and astonish your stakeholders. You can view our earlier Wright Brothers post here.

Talk on Emotional Intelligence

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I DARE YOU TO CARE -- That is the provocative title of Sylvia Baffour's new book about using emotional intelligence to inspire, influence and achieve remarkable growth. Today Michael Seelman of Churchill Consultants had the pleasure of introducing Sylvia at the National Churchill Library & Center (NCLC) in the latest installment of the NCLC's speaker series in conjunction with the James MacGregor Burns Academy of Leadership. You can see her engaging talk here.

Healthcare Leadership Presentation - ILA Global Conference

Michael Seelman, Churchill Consultants, recently presented "Prescription for U.S. Healthcare: Leadership Training, Coaching, & Culture" as part of a team at the International Leadership Association's (ILA) Global Conference 2019. We know that healthcare faces tremendous challenges... The country spends nearly twice as much per capita on healthcare as comparable nations, yet has significantly worse health outcomes. Doctors and healthcare leaders are called upon to coordinate advanced technology, an extraordinary diversity of healthcare providers, and a variety of delivery settings that -- challenges they have likely not been trained for. That is where the multi-modal professional development of leadership training, coaching, and supportive cultures of learning and innovation through psychological safety can play a critical role in helping them meet these challenges and provide extraordinary care to their patients. See the presentation here. Thank you William Berlingieri, Neil Grunberg, and Suzanna Fitzpatrick - Michael enjoyed learning from and presenting with you!

Professional Coach Certification

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Congratulations to Michael Seelman of Churchill Consultants! Today the International Coach Federation recognized him as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC), their second-highest certification. To achieve this level coaches must have 500+ hours of coaching experience, graduated from a certified coach training program, and pass a coach knowledge assessment. It has been his honor to collaborate with over 100 leaders on five continents in building this experience base. If you or someone you know might benefit from his leadership/executive coaching, please contact him ( -- He welcomes new opportunities to serve!

Wright Brothers Innovation Lessons - Part 1

What can we learn about innovation from the creators of the first airplane? This is the beginning of a series of posts drawn from the Wright Brothers' hometown of Dayton, Ohio where Michael Seelman, Churchill Consultants, went to find out. The brothers approached the study of flight scientifically. First, they contacted the Smithsonian Institution to learn all they could about aviation from those that had come before them. Then they carefully observed the wing movements of flying birds to inspire their designs. Next, they experimented, recorded outcomes, and made incremental improvements. They started in Kitty Hawk, NC where wind conditions were favorable and they could incubate ideas in private. After modest initial success, operations moved closer to home for better access to resources and collaborators to take their product to the next level. At Huffman Prarie Field outside Dayton, they went from less than half a minute flight time covering a distance of 200 feet in a straight line (Kitty Hawk record) to over half an hour flight time covering 24 miles of distance flown with controlled turns. As you can see in the photos, the historic field has been preserved virtually unchanged from a century ago.

Webinar: Building a Positive Company Culture

Today Michael Seelman, Churchill Consultants, had the privilege of speaking with 250+ executives and chief human capital officers about building a positive company culture. He was part of a very diverse team of industry experts from the U.S. and Canada on the webinar panel. Click the image above to see the recording. This is a sample of the feedback the team received: "The ideas and experiences of this varied group of executives was very interesting and helpful" and "It gave me a lot of good ideas of how to apply these concepts to my own organization." Please let us know any insights you gain from the webinar and if Michael can answer any follow-up questions you might have. We love to help! Special thanks to Torch Labs for inviting Michael to represent them and his fellow panelists Natania Mathany, Alice Tang, Bruce Phillips, and moderator Bart Macdonald for a great discussion.

Webinar on Women's Leadership

As part of the Women’s History Month celebration in the United States, Michael Seelman, Churchill Consultants, co-led a webinar today How Women Rise: Breaking the Habits Holding You Back. See the recording. Special thanks to his co-presenter, Sara-Michele Lazarus, the University of Maryland Alumni Association, and the webinar participants for making it a success. Also, kudos to Sally Helgesen and Marshall Goldsmith for writing the groundbreaking book "How Women Rise" that the presentation was based on. Here's a sample of the feedback received so far: "Great webinar! Thanks so much for the tips. I'm committed to trying out more an "Oh, Well!" mindset, working on leveraging relationships, leave behind minimizing habits." A description of the 12 habits is available here and the PowerPoint presentation about how to break them is available here.

Coaching Client Testimonial

Michael Seelman, Churchill Consultants, recently received a glowing testimonial from Vlad Bog (photo below), Global Group HR Director for the Hero Group brand of food products: "Having taken recently a global role I needed a coach to help me get over the first months and position myself successfully. Michael has helped me get to the bottom of a multitude of issues, starting from how to align to my values and purpose and increase effectiveness at work. I have been impressed with his ability of flexing with my situations and giving me exactly the type of support I needed, every time. I highly recommend Michael as an executive coach and I hope more people would be able to benefit of his great coaching skills." Thanks Vlad!


University of Maryland Webinar on Self-Leadership & Happiness

Below you can view Michael Seelman’s, Churchill Consultants, discussion with University of Maryland alumni about self-leadership and happiness. Michael is available to talk with your team on this and other leadership topics. Here’s the webinar description: Did you do your best to set clear goals today? Did you do your best to be happy? Self-leadership is about setting clear goals for yourself and developing habits and structures to achieve them. Happiness is a state of being that research has demonstrated can be influenced by engaging in specific activities. This interactive presentation will introduce the self-leadership behaviors of successful executives and 10 scientifically proven ways to increase your happiness. This is your opportunity to learn, commit to an action, and begin your transformative journey!

Presentation at the International Leadership Association (ILA) Global Conference

Today Michael Seelman, Churchill Consultants, had the honor of presenting at the International Leadership Association (ILA) Global Conference with his fellow teammates regarding their research on leading human and machine (artificial intelligence) teams and AI-powered organizations. ILA's conference is the premier gathering for the leadership profession, including more than 1,200 leadership coaches and consultants, public leaders and executives, educators and students, and scholars and researchers from around the world. In the audience was one of the founders of the ILA who commended the team for being on the cutting edge of leadership research and inviting them to submit their findings to her new leadership journal. See the presentation video recording below and the slides here. Please contact us if you would like us to discuss our research findings with your organization. We welcome opportunities to help prepare leaders for this new digital era leading human and machine teams and AI-powered businesses and other organizations.